Nathaniel Trinastich is mentioned twice in Chris Watts’ arrest affidavit; once in the actual narrative and once as a witness. It was Trinastich who provided investigators with the gamechanging video surveillance that showed not only Chris Watts backing up his truck and leaving on the morning of the murders, but also that no one else left the Watts home that morning.

Since the Watts home had its own cameras, it seemed unlikely Watts didn’t know the neighbors had one too. When Nickole Atkinson arrived at the house, Watts saw her on his porch camera [relayed to his smartphone].

When questioned about this, Watts apparently confirmed to Addy Molony that he knew about the camera at the Trinastich’s next door.Fullscreen capture 20181130 051154Fullscreen capture 20181130 075602

Nick Thayer also knew that Watts knew about Trinastich’s camera.

Chris Watts: The Gamechanging Video Surveillance Footage – where’d it come from?

So if he knew he was on camera, why did he think he could get away with a triple homicide?


For starters the view of the driveway is blocked by a boundary tree, and also by the outer edge of the Watts residence [it juts forward]. So Watts was likely aware that while the surveillance video captured him, it couldn’t see everything he was doing, and since he went to work each day, the small area showing him leaving wouldn’t reveal any more than him simply leaving to go to work on an average work day.

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Even so, Watts seems to take precautions by mostly loading the bodies on the side of the truck that’s opposite [and out of view] of surveillance camera. When he does appear on the camera side, he’s carrying what appears to be a red gas can or toolbox.

Watts himself is also dressed in dark clothes: a dark shirt, navy blue baggy trousers and black boots [though not the boots he normall wore]. chris-watts-gas-can

In his haste to get dressed, probably due to frantic cleaning up operations inside the home [showering, vacuuming, wiping Shan’ann’s handset, cleaning, re-clothing Shan’ann’s body, doing the laundry, wrapping Shan’ann’s body in a sheet and the children in garbage bags] Watts forgets to tuck in his one trouser leg.

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Watts also moves the pick-up forward slightly at some point during the operation, so that it’s completely obscured behind the neighbor’s tree. While the truck is idling, he also turns off the light that’s shining almost directly into the neighbor opposite’s window.

When he drives off, he turns left onto Steeple rock Drive, which is the shortest route out of the neighborhood, and the one he usually took on his daily communute. Conveniently it meant he didn’t drive into clear view of the camera. This also explains why Atkinson’s vehicle is seen arriving but not leaving.

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