True Crime Analysis, Breakthroughs, Insights & Discussions Hosted by Bestselling Author Nick van der Leek

Tag: Atkinson Transcripts (Page 1 of 2)

The Atkinson Transcripts “I recommend that you don’t contact Chris” [#15 of 15]

On the night of August 14, CBI agent Greg Zentner was dispatched to Boulder to interview the most crucial witness in the Watts case. The transcript below is an excerpt from a 72 page document spanning 3223 lines of text.

Listen to in-depth analysis of this episode on Patreon.

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CrimeRocket is the first to reproduce and analyze this critical transcript in-depth. The entire transcript has been broken down into 15 sections.

The fifteenth part involves the winding down of the interview. Nickole refers to her friends pressuring her for information, and her feelings of reluctance.

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The audio for the above transcript is available here.

The Atkinson Transcripts – Watts told Nickole on Monday morning: “Would you please leave and quit messing with my doors?” [#12 of 15]

On the night of August 14, CBI agent Greg Zentner was dispatched to Boulder to interview the most crucial witness in the Watts case. The transcript below is an excerpt from a 72 page document spanning 3223 lines of text.

CrimeRocket is the first to reproduce and analyze this critical transcript in-depth. The entire transcript has been broken down into 15 sections.

Listen to in-depth analysis of part 12 on Patreon.

“Chris wasn’t himself at all. Yelling at the kids more often, and just not himself.”

The twelfth part includes:

  • While the whole Watts family was in North Carolina in early August, Nickole collected the mail. She was surprised by how much it was, most it apparently bills and expenses. It’s possible when Shan’ann was in North Carolina without Watts, he collected the mail and he was unpleasantly surprised.
  • Shan’ann saved around $2 500 during the five weeks the kids were in North Carolina and not in school.
  • Curiously though Shan’ann often claimed she was a stay at home mom during her promotions, Nickole suggests both girls were at school five days a week.


The audio for the above transcript is available here.

The thirteenth part deals with Shan’ann buying Watts a book and writing him a love letter.fullscreencapture20181205072638

The Atkinson Transcripts – Shan’ann’s final call to Chris Watts on the night of August 12, hours before her murder: “He started working out while he was on the phone with me. So I just let him go.” [#11 of 15]

On the night of August 14, CBI agent Greg Zentner was dispatched to Boulder to interview the most crucial witness in the Watts case. The transcript below is an excerpt from a 72 page document spanning 3223 lines of text.

CrimeRocket is the first to reproduce and analyze this critical transcript in-depth. The entire transcript has been broken down into 15 sections.

Visit Patreon for in-depth audio analysis of #11 in The Atkinson Transcripts.

The eleventh part includes:

  • One of the earliest indications of infidelity.
  • Nickole describes the circumstances around Watts going to the “Rockies Game” [a lesser crime in the scheme of things but one he couldn’t get away with either].
  • Shan’ann’s also received security alerts from the house on her phone, so she knew when Watts was home and when not.
  • The fact that Shan’ann asked Watts to save the receipt means he had to have known he would have been busted shortly after Shan’ann returned home.
  • During one of Shan’ann’s last conversations with her husband he told her he didn’t want to talk to her because he needed to “work out”.
  • Nickole describes Shan’ann being in “a lot of [emotional] pain on the plane”, during the flight home. This suggests Shan’ann intended to confront Watts when she got home, and probably wouldn’t have been able to sleep even if she’d tried to sleep.


The audio for the above transcript is available here.

The twelfth part deals with Nickole’s knowledge of the Watts’ finances.


The Atkinson Transcripts – “I don’t understand why the police officer let us go in the house”[#10 of 15]

On the night of August 14, CBI agent Greg Zentner was dispatched to Boulder to interview the most crucial witness in the Watts case. The transcript below is an excerpt from a 72 page document spanning 3223 lines of text.

CrimeRocket is the first to reproduce and analyze this critical transcript in-depth. The entire transcript has been broken down into 15 sections.

Listen to in-depth analysis of this episode on Patreon.

The tenth part includes:

  • Nickole describes Watts “tell her” [presumably Shan’ann] that he didn’t want the baby.
  • Nickole describes Josh Rosenberg and Watts as “bros”.
  • Nickole describes a woman calling her [perhaps Agent Tammy Lee] and wonders if the status of the case has changed from a Missing Persons case to something else.
  • Nickole sends texts to the officers phone so that he has the contact details of Shan’ann’s friends [Cristina, Addy, Cassie and Josh].

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The audio for the above transcript is available here.


The Atkinson Transcripts – “I’m not putting my friends through a ‘fake happy Chris’…he doesn’t care that he’s hurting me…He’s done…I might go masturbate to relieve stress.” [#9 of 15]

On the night of August 14, CBI agent Greg Zentner was dispatched to Boulder to interview the most crucial witness in the Watts case. The transcript below is an excerpt from a 72 page document spanning 3223 lines of text.

CrimeRocket is the first to reproduce and analyze this critical transcript in-depth. The entire transcript has been broken down into 15 sections.

Visit Patreon for the Audio Analysis of part 9 in more detail and more indepth:

The Atkinson Transcripts #9: “He doesn’t care that he’s hurting me…He’s done.” – Patreon

The nineth part includes:

  • Detailed explanations behind the gender reveal, why it was cancelled and how Shan’ann felt about it.
  • Shan’ann wanting good news, wanting to know the gender directly but Nickole wanted to see Shan’ann’s face when she heard so they both decided to wait…

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The audio for the above transcript is available here.


The Atkinson Transcripts [#8 of 15]

On the night of August 14, CBI agent Greg Zentner was dispatched to Boulder to interview the most crucial witness in the Watts case. The transcript below is an excerpt from a 72 page document spanning 3223 lines of text.

CrimeRocket is the first to reproduce and analyze this critical transcript in-depth. The entire transcript has been broken down into 15 sections.

Listen to the audio breakdown of Episode 8 on Patreon for $1.


The eighth part includes:

  • Nickole’s knowledge of problems between Shan’ann and her husband.
  • Knickole’s knowledge of Watts’ parents “not liking” Shan’ann.
  • Nickole describes being at the Watts’ home on the 8th of August.
  • Nickole explains the circumstances surrounding the gender reveal party and why it was cancelled.

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The audio for the above transcript is available here.


The Atkinson Transcripts – Nickole describes Shan’ann and Chris Watts “screwin’ like rabbits” before her trip to North Carolina [#7 of 15]

On the night of August 14, CBI agent Greg Zentner was dispatched to Boulder to interview the most crucial witness in the Watts case. The transcript below is an excerpt from a 72 page document spanning 3223 lines of text.

CrimeRocket is the first to reproduce and analyze this critical transcript in-depth. The entire transcript has been broken down into 15 sections.

The seventh part includes:

  • Nickole describes Shan’ann and Watts “screwin’ like rabbits” before she left for North Carolina
  • A strange initial denial that there weren’t any relationship problems between Shan’ann and her husband
  • Nickole describing a “falling out” between Shan’ann and Watts’ parents
  • Nickole making the obvious comment about “of you wanted to leave someone why wouldn’t you take your bag that was already packed…

Listen to the analysis of this excerpt for $1 on Patreon.

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The audio for the above transcript is available here.

The next excerpt deals in more detail with the dynamics of Shan’ann and Watts’ relationship from Nickole’s perspective.

Coming soon…


The Atkinson Transcripts [#6 of 15]

On the night of August 14, CBI agent Greg Zentner was dispatched to Boulder to interview the most crucial witness in the Watts case. The transcript below is an excerpt from a 72 page document spanning 3223 lines of text.

CrimeRocket is the first to reproduce and analyze this critical transcript in-depth. The entire transcript has been broken down into 15 sections.

The sixth part includes:

  • A description of the couch in the loft where Nicolas Atkinson retrieved Shan’ann’s phone.
  • Nickole Atkinson can’t confirm after the phone was turned on, if only text messages were coming through, or if notifications were coming through as the phone connected to the WiFi [if it did].
  • Nickole also describes the suspicious situation surrounding Shan’ann’s purse. It seems she found after she returned from the Trinatich house after initially searching for it and not finding it.

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The audio for the above transcript is available here.

The Atkinson Transcripts [#5 of 15]

On the night of August 14, CBI agent Greg Zentner was dispatched to Boulder to interview the most crucial witness in the Watts case. The transcript below is an excerpt from a 72 page document spanning 3223 lines of text.

CrimeRocket is the first to reproduce and analyze this critical transcript in-depth. The entire transcript has been broken down into 15 sections.

The fifth part includes:

  • The fact that it was Watts job to do the laundry [all the laundry].
  • The obvious assessment that Watts couldn’t strip the bed if Shan’ann was still asleep in it [and Shan’ann would never have thrown the sheets on the floor].
  • Nickole’s response to Watts announcing that he’d “found” Shan’ann’s wedding ring.
  • The unusual circumstances around the discovery of the phone.

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The audio for the above transcript is available here.

Note: TCRS provides video commentary and analysis of the Atkinson Transcripts, including clips from the actual audio of Nickole’s interview, in a companion series to these blog posts available on Patreon.

At 34:35 in the clip below, Watts heads into the master bedroom and comes out holding Shan’ann’s ring.


The Atkinson Transcripts [#4 of 15]

On the night of August 14, CBI agent Greg Zentner was dispatched to Boulder to interview the most crucial witness in the Watts case. The transcript below is an excerpt from a 72 page document spanning 3223 lines of text.

CrimeRocket is the first to reproduce and analyze this critical transcript in-depth. The entire transcript has been broken down into 15 sections.

The fourth part includes:

  • Nickole’s concerns and suspicions when Watts arrives and immediately ducks into the garage
  • Watts strange entry into the house

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The audio for the above transcript is available here.

The fifth part deals with Nickole’s impressions inside the house/crime scene in more detail.

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