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Did you know Ceecee Watts suffered from a chronic disorder known as Eosinophilic esophagitius [EoE]? Did you know that EoE and asthma have been found to be inherited disorders related to lupus, in other words, Ceecee likely inherited serious health challenges from her mother?

Besides dysphagia [difficulty swallowing], other leading symptoms of EoE include failure to thrive. Yes, you read that right. Here’s further confirmation:

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Failure to thrive in terms of the medical diagnosis is associated with toddlers. It involves:

  • children that seem disconnected from or disinterested in their surroundings [lack of eye contact]
  • children who struggle to reach developmental milestones
  • children who are fussy

Ceecee Watts as clearly a different child to Bella, but not just due to temperament, due to something else she inherited from her mother – her health [or lack of].

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The Failure to Thrive is a persistent medical diagnosis often associated with children diagnosed with lupus-related conditions and issues. Now we understand why Thrive was such a big deal to Shan’ann Watts. She – more than anyone – was taking the Thrive’s promise to heart, literally. gettyimages-616528180-640x640