True Crime Analysis, Breakthroughs, Insights & Discussions Hosted by Bestselling Author Nick van der Leek

Chris Watts: “Most Likely to Spend Daddy’s Money” and other T-Shirts

At 1:38 in the video clip below, Shan’ann reads aloud the writing on Bellas’s shirt:

“Does it say, ‘Most likely to spend daddy’s money’?”she asks Bella.

Fullscreen capture 20181215 224110

Much of the Watts Family album is peppered with branding, aphorisms, quotes etc. There are a lot of words painted on walls, t-shirts, plastered over Facebook and attached to patches. There are dream boards and Thrive branded promotion messages. During virtually every promotion Shan’ann loads onto Facebook, she’s wearing the product, showing the product, sometimes eating the product or feeding it – on camera – to family, friends or other promoters.

By branding something, one is saying “this is what this is”. By branding someone, or oneself, one saying “this is what I am”, or “this is who I cam” [because of a particular product I’m using, and trying to sell]. But this is the biggest mismatch of all, in terms of the Watts family. How they were branded, and what things really were like, couldn’t have been more different.

Below is a sample of the incredible array of branded products and t-shirts Shan’ann used to brand herself and her family with.

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Even the doormat is branded.Fullscreen capture 20181010 090911-002Fullscreen capture 20181010 091056NINTCHDBPICT0004269904182NINTCHDBPICT0004269904235phpy4qldwg2qbwethe-scent-of-death-police-dogs-and-the-chris-watts-investigation

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  1. BAMS13

    I noticed that and found it unbelievably tacky and obsessive. I mean no disrespect to her but it’s something that stood out to a lot of people.
    If you truly are a certain way or comfortable within yourself then you won’t feel the need to advertise it or try to persuade people that you are this or that…
    I wonder why she did this so much? All that writing, labelling, vision boards, lists and statement making must have consumed most of her days. It’s common with teenage girls but not so much with women in their 30’s. To me they were both trying so hard to be adults but it wasn’t working out so well. Both acted and spoke more like teenagers.

    • Pasha

      I don’t get it either. I mean…..I’m close in age with Shan’ann and I don’t understand all the labeling and cutesy sayings on the t shirts and $hit. I can admit that a few signs and cute decor around the house is something I like, but all the labels on the kids’ clothing and on her clothing is tacky and strange. The maternity shirts and the sayings on them…..they all scream, “I’m desperately trying to prove that we are in love and so happy and everything is just so wonderful”. I’m not trying to be hateful or justify what happened…..I’m just trying to understand who Shan’ann was. I have friends who have done this same crap in the past and guess what? They are all divorced now. But yet on social media their family, husband, and home were all so perfect.

      • nickvdl

        Anyone trying to sell the image of perfection about anything is a liar, because nothing is perfect.

  2. nan

    Lots of money invested in those photos.

    Sobering amount of clothes and accessories. Very interesting is the shoe closet. Doesn’t look like the shoes a mother of toddlers would wear, much less the excessive amount. Maybe it was from her car sales days. Yet they choose not to pay the HOA.

    CW works outside and SW works from home. Why the department store?

    SW work ethic is both impressive and alarming. Listening to the audio of CW workmates, they mentioned they blocked CW face book account due to the excessive amount of le vel posts from SW. Interesting how mlm sales is so black and white. Either you’re into it or you run from it.

    Working is both legal and an accepted addiction. How healthy are workaholics.

    • thetinytech2018

      She really wasn’t a work a holic though. Coming from experience, I’ve been that person an nd I’ve burnt out after doing 60 hour work weeks. Granted I love my career but at some point even my boss was like “We need you to leave at the end if your work day, you’re going to burn out.”

      Shan’ann organized an labeled things, that’s it. She worked hard if you considering typing and hitting enter a career, even though she lost money working there. She didn’t last long at regular 9-5 jobs, and she quit the very first chance she got. Her Facebook lives were done for attention, to a audience of 5 people or less, and she was under some illusion that her making nothing videos of her rambling were going to sell product. This was her fifth or so MLM, which says quite a bit about her taking the easy way out and wanting to get rich quick. Most learn is a listing endeavor after 1 or 2, but she just kept hoping magic wood kick in and make this cookie cutter MLM experience different from the last 5 failures.

      When it came to hard work around the house, she phoned it in. She was going to cut the grass once a few weeks before the murder to impress Chris (let the ridiculousness of that statement wash over you) but she manipulated NA into doing it, yet she still took the credit for the work. Chris did home maintenance, lawn maintenance, cooked and cleaned. Shan’ann shoved carp in cheap plastic bins and shoved a label on it. What was she doing all day? Not bringing in money, tending to the home out finances, I’ll tell you that. Most likely shopping and shilling her garbage. The finances were such a big part of this yet I can’t help but wonder why there wasn’t more text messages fighting about impending financial doom. Foreclosure is no joke, especially two years after bankruptcy. Can’t get a home, can’t get an apartment. It makes me wonder if she was hiding it all from him and telling him things were fine, and perhaps he found out abruptly while she was in NC or AZ.

      • daiichi

        Don’t forget that Shanann was mailing the checks for the HOA fees to the “wrong address” for several months. Remember that tale? It must be what she told Chris to cover her bungling of the household finances. It doesn’t even make sense, but Chris apparently believed it. He claims to have an IQ of 140 (which would put him in the top 2% of the general population) but he sure seems to lack critical thinking skills.

        When Chris relayed this story to the investigators, they chuckled in disbelief, asking what happened to the money she sent to the wrong address. These are trained detectives and they immediately recognized the absurdity of the statement. Chris — completely in earnest — said he doesn’t know, and that’s that.

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