True Crime Analysis, Breakthroughs, Insights & Discussions Hosted by Bestselling Author Nick van der Leek

Tag: Soda

Burke Ramsey’s Soda Gate

It started off as a simple question: What’s the source of Burke Ramsey throwing his toys after a child psychologist [or equivalent, or similar] took a sip from his soda? Not source in the casual sense of the word. The actual source. Where is it documented? Which page, where, when and by whom?

Finding it again independently – and quickly – proved difficult at first. There’s a lot to go through. Several books. Half a dozen of the more recent documentaries. Miles of online coverage but almost none of it dealing with this besides an obscure Reddit thread which wrongly references the offending soda sipper as Dan Schuler.

I knew about Soda Gate but I’d forgotten how I knew. Was it in The Bonita Papers? What about Ramseys vs Wolf? Or the National Enquirer’s paperback on the Police Files? Turns out I’d seen it dramatized in the Lifetime movie Who Killed JonBenet? [2016]. The movie was based on the source but what was the source? The references online to this incident are few and far between, but here’s one from USA Today:


Since time was of the essence, I decided to crowd source, appealing to other True Crime Rocket Scientists out there. It didn’t take long. One of them who goes by the avatar CottonStar answered the call within a few hours.

And so, here it is:

True Crime Rocket Science Badge is yours – if you can answer this question

So you think you’re a True Crime Rocket Scientist? Einstein once said he’s not necessarily smarter than anyone else, the difference is he sticks with a problem longer than others do, or others have.


In true crime that’s often the difference between interesting insights and gamechanging insights. So how about this one? I’ll make it easy for you by identifying it, all you have to do is find it. [It’s a lot harder looking for something without knowing it’s out there, and harder still to know what to do with it once you do find it.]

So here it is.

In September 1998, 11-year-old Burke Ramsey sat down with Boulder dectective Dan Schuler for about six hours over of the course of several days. This interview has been suppressed from the public until 2016 when CBS and Dr. Phil aired parts of it.

At one point in the interview Schuler takes a sip of Burke’s soda, which upsets Burke so much, Burke doesn’t drink from the soda again. Who or what is the source of this information?

If you can find the source of this information [social media doesn’t count] then you may just be a rocket scientist.

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