True Crime Analysis, Breakthroughs, Insights & Discussions Hosted by Bestselling Author Nick van der Leek

Tag: Vass Road

Getting to know Hair Jazz, Shan’ann’s mother’s work place in Aberdeen, and the surrounding neighborhood

Shan’ann Watts’ parents are blue collar folks. Frank is a carpenter. Sandi a hairdresser. Does it matter who Shan’ann’s parents were, where they work and where they’re from, what their financial circumstances were [and are], or is it unkind and irrelevant even to ask?

If we’re to determine the journey to rise beyond one’s raisin’ [and if that even applies], doesn’t it matter that we know where the accused and the victim’s family arose from?

A simple way to answer this question, especially if you’re married, is to ask whether it matters who your partner’s parents are, where they’re from and their circumstances. Does it? And does it matter who your parents are to them?

Could it have any relevance to a family murder?

In the Scott Peterson case, the night before Laci’s murder, Scott Peterson and Laci made a final stop at Salon in Modesto, where Laci and her husband got a haircut. Laci’s sister Amy Rocha worked there.

In the image below left, Amy can be seen cutting Scott Peterson’s father’s hair.

The entire Peterson case, arguably, turned on a hair. A single hair found in the yellow needlenose pliers in the boat was the only evidence found of Laci. This puts the haircut in perspective, especially when we intuit a premeditated murder.

CCTV footage of the haircut inside Salon also confirmed what Laci was wearing the last time she was seen alive.

In the Watts case, Nickole Atkinson helped her cut and color her hair.

In Aberdeen, Shan’ann’s mother cut her killer’s hair a few days before her daughter’s death.

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While Hair Jazz doesn’t play as prominent a role in the Watts case as Salon does in the Peterson case, it’s through the hairdressers at Hair Jazz that we’ve discovered that Shan’ann and Chris Watts planned to separate. They knew this because Sandi had told them, and Sandi knew, apparently, because that’s what she’d been told – presumably by her daughter sometime during her 6 week stay in North Carolina.

We also know that Shan’ann posted a picture of a house she was looking at in North Carolina, which suggests she was thinking about moving home, back to her family. Her Thrive business, which she took with her on her trip, could theoretically be operated from anywhere with an internet connection.

Now let’s take a closer look at Hair Jazz and where and how it fits into Aberdeen and the fabric of North Carolina.

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During my first run-through on Google Earth, Aberdeen looked and felt a lot like Vass Road, outside Spring Lake, where Chris Watts grew up.

While floating through the street view, however, I couldn’t seem to find Hair Jazz. Google took me to the street corner but couldn’t do any better than that. I had the street and address, and yet I couldn’t seem to locate it between a number of nondescript buildings. It is in one of the images above [besides the top image], if you look carefully.

So I looked at the building as it’s presented on its Facebook page, and during a television interview.

It still wasn’t easy to find, but eventually I did.

This is it.

Hair Jazz sandi Onorati Shanann watts

And this is it from directly opposite.

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One has to consider this place and juxtapose it with Shan’ann’s bold statement in February 2018 that she wanted to by a Tesla ModelX for $80 000.

In the collage below we see Shan’ann and her friend [and part-time hairdresser] posing next to luxury cars. Both Shan’ann and Nickole spoke on camera about their intentions to by Teslas. In the collage on the left is Chris Collins’ daughter posing beside two of his Lamborghini’s.

According to the gurus behind Thrive, if you want a nice car, put a picture of the Lamborghini – or Tesla – on a vision board, and if you wish very hard and say the right words, it can be yours. Simple as that.

In the first two image on the left are Chris Collins’ daughter and his vision board. Notice the picture of the car in the vision board corresponds to the color of the Lamborghini in the collage above [which is from his garage]. The message is clear: you can get whatever you want, all you have to do is ask, and then believe in yourself [and sign up to be a promoter with Le-Vel].

The impression that Aberdeen feels like Vass Road turns out to be not such a long walk in the park after all. Where Sandi works today and where Chris Watts parents live is separated by less than 30 miles by car.

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Saratoga Trail probably felt like another world to the Watts family, where the laws of finance and the universe didn’t apply. Until they did.


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BREAKING: First Look at the House where Chris Watts grew up as a boy and young man

It was Chris Watt’s high school teacher, Joe Duty, who first revealed on August 16th where his former pupil grew up – Vass Road on the outskirts of a small town called Spring Lake, in North Carolina. The question until now has been exactly where – which house – on Vass Road?

Thanks to a tip left overnight on a post dedicated to where Watts grew up on Vass Road, that mystery has been solved. The tip turns out to be correct. Although it was obvious that the houses up and down Vass Road are modest, especially compared to the mint-new two story mansion + basement the Watts family were living in on Saratoga Trail, it was important to establish the specific house.

And now we have.

Before I take you through the corroboration process, let’s zoom in on the house in question.

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Now the street view. Below, that’s the view from 1107 Vass Road across the street. One of the neighbors appears to be fairly well off; they even have a boat, and a decent-sized home. The house next door with the collapsed boundary fence is in less great shape.

Also, notice the 45 mph sign beside the road.

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This is the Watts home seen from Vass Road

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It appears to be single story, and it’s so small it’s barely visible behind a single large tree. Notice the drainage ditch in the foreground, on either side of the driveway.

Below is the same image zoomed in slightly.

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Is that a temporary pool peeking out of the back garden? Are those pink and green shapes kids’ cars?

Now the confirmation. The mail box has the word WATTS printed in white letters on it right outside the house. Again, notice the drainage ditch behind the mailbox.

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Below is a photo taken by Shan’ann of Ronnie Watts, Chris Watts’ father shoveling silt and dirt from the drainage channel in front of the Watts family home on Vass Road.

Notice the 45 mph sign behind him, the redbrick house with white pillars, and the collapsed boundary fence in the right corner.

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Shan’ann posted a picture of Ronnie inside the house on Saratoga Trail on Father’s Day June 27th, 2018.

Both Shan’ann’s dad Frank and his son Frankie commented on the post, wishing their brother and father-in-law respectively a Happy Father’s Day. It’s not clear whether Chris Watts or Ronnie responded. If they did their responses have been removed.

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Why does the house on Vass Road matter? In TWO FACE I fielded a theory that Chris Watts [and Shan’ann to some extent] had come from very humble beginnings. Nothing wrong with that. But when contrasting those humble beginnings with the picture-postcard fairy tale house they were living in in Frederick, then those humble beginnings do matter.

They matter because they ask a few ordinary and obvious questions:

  1. Were the Watts family living beyond their means?
  2. How far beyond their means were they living?

We didn’t really need to see this house to know the answer. The bankruptcy filing in 2015 and the Watts’ colossal debt answers these questions definitively. But seeing the house raises the spectre that regardless whether Chris Watts could afford the house or not, whether he deserved it or not, one can see how much he was likely to want to hold onto the new house, no matter what.

What do you think? Did the big fairy tale house in the prairie play into the motive to murder?

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More on this subject: Getting to know Hair Jazz, Shan’ann’s mother’s work place in Aberdeen, and the surrounding neighborhood