True Crime Analysis, Breakthroughs, Insights & Discussions Hosted by Bestselling Author Nick van der Leek

Shan’ann’s Home Away From Home

If Shan’ann Watts had separated, it’s likely she would have moved here: to the tranquil, small-town home at 135 Forest Drive, Aberdeen. When Shan’ann and the girls disappeared, her younger brother Frankie came here, to this house, to await news in the company of his father Frank [also a carpenter] and mother Sandi [a hairdresser].

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On July 5th, a Thursday, Shan’ann posted her final Live video. Well, it was on the porch of this little house in Aberdeen during a rain storm. Shan’ann also took the opportunity to let her fellow Thrivers know [in North Carolina that is] that she had products in her bedroom if anyone wanted any.

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Shan’ann’s final profile picture was posted on July 4th, and remains her profile picture today.


The video below, also her last, was posted the following day.

Incredibly, for the next five weeks until her death, Shan’ann didn’t post another Live video after this one.

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Below is a map showing the distance between Sandi Rzucek’s home and Hair Jazz, where Sandi worked. All of this is a giant leap from the lavish house on Saratoga Trail, isn’t it?

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  1. Cheryl

    I’d say it’s the home away from the house. I don’t understand the striving for the big vacuous house, when her childhood home seems really lovely: set back from the street, trees, expansive lawn. It has warmth and soul, especially in contrast to the Saratoga house, which is too big for its lot—a lot that would have never provided the opportunity to install landscaping that could have softened or balanced the house’s stark and imposing edifice. Ironically, something similar to Shan’ann’s childhood home would have been affordable for the Watts and would have likely made Shan’ann happier, as she seems more relaxed here, even in front of her online audience. The seemingly serene proportion that is manifest in the North Carolina home is absent from the Saratoga house—two contrasting environments that I believe influence how people relate to each other. As we learn more about the case, perhaps we’ll understand the need to overreach.

  2. Pauline

    But the West was wide open spaces, opportunities, freedoms, risks. I grew up in a small college town in the Midwest and I couldn’t wait to get out of there. It wasn’t so much the geography as it was the thinking – conformity. And apparently she wanted out too – Chris as well I suspect. Look at the front area. There is a symbol of their Catholic faith, it’s either Jesus or the Virgin Mary and perhaps Sha’nann wanted to break out of that as well. In the end though she went back home. Her funeral was a Catholic service. But I agree with you that the house was an overreach, and the first house as well. The third one might have been.

    • Ingrid

      Its the Virgin Mary…..and it suggests they were practising Catholics….

  3. Shannon

    That’s where she would have ended up living with 3 kids.
    If they got a real Seperation and Divorce.
    She was having …in her words… fighting with the kids.
    How do you fight with two small children?
    She couldn’t and wouldn’t have been able to raise these kids by herself.
    She wasn’t capable.

    • Ingrid

      I don’t think she meant ‘fight’ in its full meaning..She just meant the struggle sometimes to get them to behave, go to bed at their usual hour ( 7pm I think she said ) , not chuck tanties etc etc etc…..V young children are a constant hands on occupation… perhaps you don’t have children? Of course they grow up quick so it doesnt last long really. Haven t you ever heard of the saying of mothers ‘ The Terrible Twos’?? It just means that at 2 years old, children can chuck amazing award winning tanties etc.. Hahaha

  4. Marcie

    Shanann could’ve only moved back there with the kids if she had Chris’ permission or a court order.

  5. Shannon

    Oh I never thought that. I forgot different areas. I bet Chris would have let her. Only pay support and no seeing, unless he visited them.

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